So far, I've built a little Delphi application that can execute an SQL command, but I also had to enter the example "CREATE TABLE" SQL command in the Memo field by hand. 现在,我已经构建了一个可以执行SQL命令的小的Delphi应用程序,但还必须在Memo字段中手工输入示例中的“CREATETABLE”SQL命令。
When creating maps of large business objects, this eliminates the need to hunt for a field by hand. 在创建大型业务对象的映射时,这可以消除手工搜寻某个字段的需要。
Good performances on the soccer field often go hand in hand with performances on the stock market and in the economy. 足球场上的出色表现往往会对股市和经济产生积极影响。
He didn't want to be a field hand. 他不想当种地的长工。
How could she live like a field hand? 她怎么能和在农场干活的人一起生活呀?
Then said Boaz, What day thou buyest the field of the hand of Naomi, thou must buy it also of Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of the dead, to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance. 波阿斯说,你从拿俄米手中买这地的时候,也当娶(原文作买十节同)死人的妻摩押女子路得,使死人在产业上存留他的名。
The trees were killed off by the severe winter. He came out of his mammy in a field hand's cabin one sharp winter. 严冬把树木一棵一棵地都冻死了。一个严寒的冬天,他的妈妈在一个干农活的黑奴住的小屋里,生下了他。
Will would certainly welcome a good field hand at Tara. 威尔肯定欢迎这样好的一个庄稼汉到塔拉来。
These don't belong to a lady! You've been working with them like a field hand! 这不是一双上等女人的手!看来你一直象种田人一样干活!
Solomon would not have let Livvie lock at them, just as he would not let her look at a field hand or a filed hand look at her. 索罗门从不会让丽维看他们一眼,就好像他不会让丽维他田地里的任何一个帮工,也不会让田间的任何本个人看她。
Then select the field to search in the left hand column and enter the word or phrase you are searching in the right hand column. 选择完相应的社区后,在左栏边选择相应的字段,并在右栏输入检索词或短语。
The utility model relates to a stair tripod with a locating flange, which belongs to the manufacturing field of a hand ladder. 带定位凸缘的梯级三角架,属于扶梯制造领域。
And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mister John Wilkeses and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog. 你这回到约翰?威尔克斯老爷家去,我可不想让你象个种田人似的,狼吞虎咽跟猪一样。
Combat troops out in the field are given bottles of anti-bacterial hand lotion and warned to stay away from locally-grown produce. 部队为在外作战的士兵提供瓶装抗菌水、洗手液,并警告他们离当地食品远一点。
The team doctor rushed him off the field and examined and dressed his hand. 队医赶快将他带离球场,然后对他的手进行了检查和包扎。
Still, most field work was done with hand tools like the spade, hoe, and scythe, or with hand-or animal-driven plows. 尽管如此,大多数的庄稼活仍以手工工具完成,比如铁锹、锄头、长柄镰刀,手推犁或者动物推犁等等。
Our manager Jianbing Yan is willing to advance with medical field friends hand in hand, and person in medical field are welcomed to our company! 经理闫建兵愿与医疗各界同仁携手共进,并欢迎医界人士莅临指导!
Like a field hand? Like the Slattery women? 像个干田间活的?像斯莱特里家的女人那样吗?
Among these, in the field of reducing judges on hand, we have put forward ideas of practicing fixed-quantity administration of judges and setting up assistant judge etc. 其中对精简现有法官提出了实行法官数量的定编管理、设置法官助理等的构想,该部分笔者有一些大胆的思考与设想。
2D woven C/ SiC ceramic matrix composite is a new kind of high temperature structure material developing in aviation and aerospace field. On the one hand, it has many advantages such as low density 、 good heat-resistibility and capability of heat stabilization, etc; 二维编织C/SiC复合材料是随着航空、航天技术发展起来的一种新型高温结构材料,一方面,它具有低密度、耐高温和热稳定性好等优点;
In this field, at one hand, we have to study the international experiences, on the other hand, we have to face the impact of international style upon architectural culture, in order to preserve the identity of Chinese urban space and architecture. 在城市规划和建筑领域,一方面应当继续学习国际经验,另一方面也必须应对建筑文化的国际式冲击,保护并发展中国的城市与建筑的特色。
Monitoring and fault diagnosis of equipment have been the research hotspot in the industry field. On the one hand, the demand of safety, stabilization, running at full load and reliability is upgraded step by step; 设备监测和故障诊断一直以来都是工业领域研究的热点,一方面人们对设备的安全、稳定、满负荷运行、可靠性的要求逐步提高;
The wireless multimedia communication is the product of multimedia and mobile communication, which provides the people with mobile multimedia service on one hand and presents a more extensive field of technology on the other hand, and which has become a hotspot in the current communications field. 无线多媒体传输系统是多媒体和无线通信这两个领域的技术相互融合的产物,是当今通信领域的一个研究热点。
As the market demand for wireless data services growing, operators have to develop their own field to develop their data services of their own field to seek upper hand in the fierce competition. 随着市场上对无线数据业务的需求日益增多,运营商纷纷大力发展自身领域内的数据服务,力求在激烈的竞争中占得先机。
The secondary vocational schools class adviser needs to have certain special field quality, has the certain professional knowledge, special field ability, special field morality, special field duty in hand. 中等职业学校的班主任需要有一定的专业素质,掌握一定的专业知识、专业能力、专业道德、专业职责。
On one hand, it will make traditional journalism and communication more complicate because of introducing interpersonal communication into the mass communication field. On the other hand, it blurs out status of audience and disseminators further. 一方面,它将人际传播与大众传播结合,使传统的传播复杂化。另一方面,它进一步模糊了受众和传者的地位。
Countries in the world in order to be able to the field of international tax competition upper hand, have generally tax policy will be to participate in international tax competition as a powerful tool. 世界各国为了能够在国际税收竞争领域中占居先机,普遍把税收政策作为参与国际税收竞争的有力工具。
On the one hand, the research expands the application field; on the other hand, the research provides the model about applying the blog in TCFL for teachers teaching Chinese as a foreign language, which has practical value to some extent. 一方面,相关研究拓展了博客的应用领域;另一方面,博客在对外汉语教学的应用也为广大对外汉语教师提供了一个博客技术与对外汉语教学整合的范例,具有一定的应用价值。
This paper focuses on the specific discussion of the special performance and regulation of these three competitive sports by means of the references of other countries in the world, in order to give the intervention of the criminal law to this field a hand in theory. 通过世界各国对竞技体育刑法规制的借鉴,具体讨论此三种竞技体育违法行为的特殊表现及其规制,以期在理论上对刑法的介入提供一定的帮助。
Focused on the corrosion field, on one hand, the galvanic effect can cause important influence to the corrosion of the metal; on the other hand, it can be also applied to provide corrosion protection to the metal. 具体到腐蚀领域,电偶效应对金属的腐蚀会造成很大的影响,另一方面,也能应用电偶效应为金属腐蚀提供保护作用。